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来源(Google Scholar)  


总排名 (前100名)

Rank Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Nature 362 542
2 The New England Journal of Medicine 358 602
3 Science 345 497
4 The Lancet 278 417
5 Chemical Society reviews 256 366
6 Cell 244 366
7 Nature Communications 240 318
8 Chemical Reviews 239 373
9 Journal of the American Chemical Society 236 309
10 Advanced Materials 235 336
11 Proceedings of the National Academy of  Sciences 226 291
12 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 213 295
13 JAMA 209 309
14 Nucleic Acids Research 208 392
15 ACS Nano 199 279
16 Physical Review Letters 197 286
17 Energy and Environmental Science 196 330
18 Journal of Clinical Oncology 196 279
19 Nano Letters 194 281
20 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and  Pattern Recognition, CVPR 188 302
21 Nature Genetics 187 277
22 Journal of the American College of  Cardiology 180 268
23 PLoS ONE 180 229
24 The Lancet Oncology 179 283
25 Nature Materials 178 314
26 Nature Medicine 168 266
27 Circulation 166 251
28 Accounts of Chemical Research 165 236
29 The Astrophysical Journal 163 222
30 Journal of High Energy Physics 161 226
31 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161 216
32 Nature Nanotechnology 160 272
33 Nature Biotechnology 158 307
34 Nature Photonics 157 264
35 Nature Methods 156 260
36 BMJ 154 214
37 Blood 153 205
38 Journal of Materials Chemistry. A 153 200
39 Scientific Reports 151 203
40 European Heart Journal 149 219
41 Neuron 149 211
42 The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 148 210
43 Gastroenterology 147 210
44 Nature Neuroscience 146 210
45 Advanced Functional Materials 146 203
46 Physical Review D 145 202
47 American Economic Review 141 226
48 Immunity 141 218
49 The Journal of Clinical Investigation 139 185
50 Nanoscale 139 181
51 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 137 172
52 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical  Society 135 181
53 Nature Reviews Immunology 134 251
54 Neural Information Processing Systems  (NIPS) 134 221
55 Science Translational Medicine 133 178
56 Nature Reviews Genetics 132 256
57 Nature Reviews Cancer 131 223
58 Cell Stem Cell 131 180
59 Molecular Cell 131 180
60 Cancer Research 131 170
61 Chemical communications (Cambridge,  England) 131 167
62 Nature Climate Change 130 194
63 Physical Review B 130 168
64 Diabetes Care 129 185
65 Advanced Energy Materials 128 187
66 Hepatology 128 166
67 Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology 127 227
68 Annals of Internal Medicine 127 216
69 Nature Immunology 127 181
70 Nature Physics 127 179
71 Cell Metabolism 127 176
72 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 127 173
73 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 127 168
74 IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 126 221
75 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 126 185
76 The Lancet Neurology 125 192
77 Environmental Science & Technology 125 165
78 IEEE International Conference on Computer  Vision 124 204
79 Chemistry of Materials 124 170
80 Gut 124 168
81 'Nature Reviews Neuroscience" 123 200
82 European Urology 122 190
83 Annals of Oncology 122 185
84 Nature Chemistry 122 181
85 Biomaterials 122 149
86 Clinical Cancer Research 121 165
87 NeuroImage 120 164
88 IEEE Communications Magazine 119 211
89 Cancer Cell 119 204
90 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 119 170
91 Applied Energy 119 156
92 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and  Machine Intelligence 118 210
93 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 118 158
94 Pediatrics 117 163
95 Journal of Cleaner Production 117 160
96 ACS Catalysis 117 158
97 Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery 116 228
98 Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 116 224
99 Circulation Research 116 177
100 Journal of Hepatology 116 155


Rank Publication h5-index h5-median
1 Chemical Society reviews 256 366
2 Chemical Reviews 239 373
3 Journal of the American Chemical Society 236 309
4 Advanced Materials 235 336
5 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 213 295
6 ACS Nano 199 279
7 Energy and Environmental Science 196 330
8 Nano Letters 194 281
9 Nature Materials 178 314
10 Accounts of Chemical Research 165 236
11 Nature Nanotechnology 160 272
12 Journal of Materials Chemistry. A 153 200
13 Advanced Functional Materials 146 203
14 Nanoscale 139 181
15 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 137 172
16 Chemical communications (Cambridge,  England) 131 167
17 Advanced Energy Materials 128 187
18 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 126 185
19 Chemistry of Materials 124 170
20 Nature Chemistry 122 181


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