Q/(HG)SJ 705-95
项目Item 分析纯 化学纯
(AR) (CP)
含量(C7H6O3)Assay,% ≥ 99.5 99.0
熔点范围Melting range,℃ ≤ 158.5-160.5 158.0-161.0
澄清度试验Clarity 合格 合格
灼烧残渣(以硫酸盐计)Ignition residue,% ≤ 0.01 0.03
氯化物(Cl)Chloride,% ≤ 0.002 0.005
硫化合物(以SO4计)Sulfur compounds ≤ 0.005 0.015
铁(Fe)Iron,% ≤ 0.0002 0.0005
重金属(以Pb计)Heavy metals,% ≤ 0.005 0.0015
硫酸试验Substances darkened by sulfuric acid 合格 合格
项目名称Item ACS Grade
含量Assay ≥99.0%
熔点范围Melting point 158.0-161.0℃
灼烧残渣Residue after ignition ≤0.01%
氯化物(Cl)Chloride(Cl) ≤0.001%
硫酸盐(SO4)Sulfate ≤0.003%
重金属(以Pb计)Heavy metals(as Pb) ≤5ppm
铁(Fe)Iron(Fe) ≤2ppm
硫酸变黑物Substances darkened by sulfuric acid Passes test
品级Grade 药用级,99.5-100.5%
(Ph. Eur., BP, USP,99.5-100.5%)
含量assay 99.5-100.5% (calc. to the dried substance)
残留溶剂residual solvents, complies
重金属heavy metals (as Pb) ≤0.001%
相关物质related subst. ≤0.2% (HPLC)
灼烧残渣ign. residue ≤0.05% (as SO4)
干燥损失loss on drying ≤0.3%
熔点mp 158-161 °C
氯根chloride (Cl-): ≤50 ppm
硫酸根sulfate (SO42-): ≤200 ppm
溶解性能for appearance of solution complies
鉴别实验for identity complies
品级Grade 用于植物细胞培养,≥99 %
(for plant cell culture,≥99 %)
外观Appearance White to Off-White Powder
醇溶性Solubility Colorless,Clear,50 mg/ml, EtOH
红外光谱Infrared spectrum Conforms to Structure
纯度Purity (HPLC) ≥99 %
纯度Purity (Titration by NAOH) ≥99 %
植物细胞培养测试Plant Cell Culture Test Pass