Q/(HG)SJ 258-91
项目Item 分析纯
螯合滴定试验Complex titrating test 合格
干燥失重Drying loss,% ≤10.0
水溶解试验Soluble 可溶性
游离萤光素Free flurescein 合格
灼烧残渣(以硫酸盐计)Ignition residue,% ≤1.0
外观Appearance Yellow to Brown Powder
可溶性Solubility Orange to Brown,Clear,50 mg/mL, 1 M NaOH
纯度Purity(HPLC) ≥92.0%
氮Nitrogen 4.2 - 4.8 %
Suitability Suitable
螯合滴定试验Complex titrating test pass
在镁存在下EDTA测定钙 EDTA titration of Ca in the presence of Mg.
pass test